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  • Real Change: Hope Through Prayer

    In my community, there's been seasons where some of the neighborhood children have enjoyed playing in my yard.  One summer I asked one of the little girls, who was 9 at the time, about her dream for when she grows up.  Her upbeat, immediate response was “I want to be a prostitute!”.

    I hate pain, and I hate the hopelessness that had already engulfed this little girl and her future at such a young age. 

I hate passing by the homeless person pleading for money or the street woman begging for a john. I am so sad from hearing story after story of broken dreams and broken marriages- stories of defeat. My
own heart cries out in despair for these souls- there has got to be more!

    Proverbs 13:12 states that "a hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". "Hope deferred" is the deep and pervasive ailment in our community.  Hope deferred-turned to hopelessness- churns throughout our society like the unending crash of ocean waves constantly hitting the shore.  Despite giving away all the food, clothing, and X-Boxes we could ever imagine to those in "need" , if we don’t address the core issue- hope deferred- we won’t see lasting change.

    Have you ever pondered what makes Christians different than the world? God’s principles work for everyone who chooses to live by them- both those who believe in Him as well as those who don't.  What then would distinguish Christians, or those who have Christ dwelling in their hearts?

The difference is His presence. True hope can only come from Him and it is the knowledge of His presence that gives meaning to life itself.

Knowing His presence and wanting to see restored hope throughout my community is why I have chosen to invest my time, talent and treasure into PrayDurham, which is an initiative to see every street in Durham covered in prayer by believers.

    Some may remember the old hymn:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in his wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace."

My neighbors need to know God's love and hope.  They need to know that God wants to bless us.

We, too, with both our prayers and action, get to take part in blessing our neighbors. Sometimes it is as simple as praying "Lord, bless them."

God himself gives us wisdom in how to bless others. 

    Once I asked the Lord how I could justify "blessing" the neighbors of my former office building, a men's club.  I then understood the Lord speaking to my thoughts, "Wendy, you do not understand my love.  I discipline those I love.  That club needs more of Me, not less."

Throughout the Bible and still today, God answers prayer.  What would it look like if every person in Durham was prayed for? What would it look like if every person was pastored (cared for and encouraged in their spiritual growth) regardless of whether they attended a local congregation?  What would it look like if "hope deferred" became real hope...fulfilled? I want to know.

    We have many good programs and ministries that are meeting needs and important to support.  The Lord, however, is able to do so much more than we can in our own efforts, and mysteriously he invites us to become a part of his work through prayer.  Durham is a city full of great people and ideas with lots of innovation- how much more glorious will it be when the Lord heals hope in our community? I look forward to that day!