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  • The Little Drummer Boy


    I have some songs that I will regularly listen to, that bring comfort to my soul, no matter what the season. If I had to say there is a theme song for my life, it would be the "Little Drummer Boy." As much as I would like to say it’s the rhythm of the "pa-rum-pa-pum-pum" that I love; the words to the song are really the essence of what I want my life to be known for. (Please remind my family to sing this at my funeral!!!)

    "Come they told me... A new born king to see..."
    The invitation. I did not initiate a relationship with the Lord; He called me to Himself. The grace in my life has been defined by walking towards that call. I heard "come" and I am no longer living my life by my own agenda. It can make things a bit uncomfortable at times but I would rather trust His wisdom than mine. 

    "Our finest gifts to bring... to lay before the King... so to honor Him... when we come."
    If I had to sum up what I want my life to be counted for, I want to be able to look back on the time I have had on earth and be able to present it to the Lord as well stewarded. This line of the song expresses what the goal of all that we do really could and should be: to honor someone greater than ourselves.

    "Little Baby... I am a poor boy too... I have no gift to bring... that’s fit to give our King."
    The sense of inadequacy has marked my life from the beginning. I can even remember at age 4 thinking that if I were to meet Jesus, what could I possibly give Him to express my gratitude for all that He has given me.  The call is greater than what I feel like I have to offer in return. He always calls us up higher and to something greater than what we can think or imagine. 

    "Shall I play for you on my drum?"
    The Lord doesn’t ask for what we don’t have but asks us to give what we do have. So many times I will wish I was this or that; or wish I had this or that. But what the secret to joy in life is to express our lives through who and what we are. The little drummer boy drums. He doesn’t play the French horn. He expresses freely who he is and the way he was made.

    "Mary nodded... The ox and lamb kept time."
    As I express who I am, I can influence those around me. The world is crying out for the sons of Glory to be revealed. The lack of rhythm and hope we see in the world, I believe, is because many times, we are not willing to play our own drums. We spend so much time complaining about how we wish we had a different instrument or we simply don't practice the instrument we have. 

    "I played my drum for Him. I played my best for him."
    This is what life is all about. Playing our drums. Playing with all our heart. Living.

    "Then He smiled at me... Me and my drum."
    The joy in life, which at times seems so elusive, is found in this... He smiled at me. 

    Grace and Peace,